Beighton Allotments

Committee & Trustees

The Beighton Allotment Association is a private allotment site that is run by four Trustees, overseen by a committee with major changes normally ratified at an annual AGM. The Trustees are elected every three years by the Full Members at the AGM.  If you have specific proposal you would like to put to the vote at an AGM, please contact one of the Trustees for consideration by the 15th February at the latest in the year you would like your proposal to be considered. Any resolutions must then be made at the meeting, by the Full Member, or a proxy, putting the resolution forward at the AGM.

The committee meets 11 times a year at 12:15pm on the last Sunday in each month (excluding December). The Committee Members are appointed by the Trustees and each one has a designated role and responsibility within the Committee. If you have any issues you would like to raise at a committee meeting, please contact any of the Trustees or Committee Members. You can do this is by contacting the Association email address at If you prefer to contact an individual committee member directly, please find their contact details below or speak to them while on site. 

All the Trustees and Committee Members are listed below, together with their areas of responsibility. 

Alan Fergus

     President (Trustee).

Alan has been President since being elected at the 2017 AGM. Alan also chairs the monthly committee meetings and is responsible for all legal duties. 

He is one of the four Trustees who are responsible for managing the site.

You can find him on plots A24 and B23.

Alan can be contacted on 07957 682986 or emailed at

Sue Rowbotham

Vice President (Trustee).

Sue has been a member of the Association for many years and has been Vice President since being elected at the 2019 AGM. 

She is jointly responsible for all legal duties with Alan and is one of the four Trustees who are responsible for managing the site.

Sue is also one of the two Summer Fayre organisers.

You can find her on plots B26 and 28.

Sue can be contacted on 07880 813354 or emailed at

Mark Kirby

Secretary (Trustee).

Mark has been a plot holder for 14 year and has been a committee member for over 10 years. During this time he has held the positions of both Treasurer and Secretary.  After standing down at the 2023 AGM, he agreed to stand again in 2024 and was re-elected as Secretary.

He is responsible for taking the meetings minutes, and maintaining all the Association's records. He is also responsible for social media and maintaining the Association's website.

His plot is C12.

Mark can be called on 07910 812338, or emailed at 

Dave Brown

Treasurer (Trustee).

Dave has been a member for 4 years and has been on the committee for most of this time. He was elected as Treasurer at the 2023 AGM. 

He is responsible for procurement & accounts.

His plot is D3.

Dave can be contacted on 07799 844172, or emailed at

David Fairest

 Committee Member responsible for Bee Keeping on site.

David has been a member of the Association for many years.

He is jointly responsible for the Association policy on bee-keeping on site. He can bee found on plots D12 and 14.

David can be contacted on 07913 084965, or emailed at

Sarah Vause

 Committee Member with responsibility for Fund Raising and PR.

Sarah is relatively new to our allotments but has already transformed her own plot (C11) and brings a huge amount of enthusiasm to her role of fundraiser for the site.

Sarah can be contacted on 07977 271205, or emailed at 

Helen Longden

Committee Member & Lettings Officer.

Helen is our Lettings Officer and should be contacted if you are wanting a new plot, if you are wanting to transfer plots, or have any issues with your plot. 

She can be found on plot B11.

Helen can be emailed at

Richard Longden

 Committee Member responsible for Site Security.

Richard is responsible for site security and should be contacted for anything to do with boundary issues such as gates not being locked or broken boundary fences.

His plot is B11.

Richard can be contacted on 07481 775551, or emailed at

Julie Williams-Ridge

 Committee Member jointly responsible for the Summer Fayre.

Julie is committee member jointly responsible for the Summer Fayre together with Sue Rowbotham.

Julie has been on site for many years and is the plot holder of B17.

She can be contacted on 07557 669564, or emailed at 

Site Maintenance Officer / Committee Member Required

 Committee Member responsible Site Maintenance.

Following the resignation of David Singleton from the Committee for personal reasons, the Committee would welcome invitations for a new committee member who would enjoy tidying up the communal area's of our allotments.  If you have an aptitude for maintaining our loan items (strimmers, rotivator, lawn mowers etc, and would like to join the committee, please get in touch with Alan Fergus or Mark Kirby (details on this page).