Upcoming Events

2024 AGM & Rents

A big thank you to everyone who attended this years AGM at its new venue, the Beighton Lifestyle Centre.

The minutes of the AGM will be available on request by email and will be permanently available for members to view in the allotment shop once approved at the next committee meeting at the end of April.

This years rent of £25.00 was approved by the majority of voting members at the AGM and so will remain at the 2020 level for another year. 

Rents are now due and must be paid by the last Sunday in May.

Garden Inspections 2024

We will be having three garden inspections this year which will take place during the last week of March, June and September, however please ensure your plot complies with the rules at all times as gardens which are not kept in a good condition and cultivated may get a letter to improve (which could lead to an eviction)  at any time.

Summer Fayre 2024

This years Summer Fayre will take place in August however we are already collecting Bric-a-brac so please contact Julie Ridge or Sue Rowbotham if you have anything you would like to donate.

We would also welcome donations from any local business to be used as prizes for our Raffle or Auction (depending on value).

2024 Best Garden Competition

We will again be running a "Best Garden" competition in 2024. 

There is a "Best New Gardener" category for those who have joined us in the last 2 years, a "Most Improved" category awarded for recent outstanding effort (often won by newish gardeners between years 2-5) and a "Best Garden" category which can be won by anyone!

The assessment date for gardens will be on Thursday 11th July. 

If you would like your garden to be included, contact any committee member before this date or let someone in the shop know you would like to enter your garden.

AGM Update: Sunday 2nd April 2023

The committee would like to thank all those who attended this years AGM. The highlights of which are below.

The 2023 AGM date is now confirmed as Sunday 2nd April 2023. 

The meeting will start at 10am promptly and will finish at 12noon and as always, will take place at the Limes Community Centre, Beighton. (For your satnav, the postal address is 47 Rosemary Rd, Beighton, Sheffield, S20 1AQ however the main entrance is on Lime Street) 

As in previous years, any member proposals need to be submitted as early as possible as only items on the agenda will be discussed due to time constraints. The 28th February 2023 is the final cut off date for member proposals. 

Voting will be done by holding up your blue rent book only. No additional voting cards will be available at the meeting. Replacement rent books are available in advance at £3.00 each from the shop to full Association members who have lost theirs (you will need one to pay your rent if you have lost yours anyway so you may as well get one before the AGM!). New rent books will NOT be available at the AGM. No rents will be taken at the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Gates & Break-in's (New Rules ) - 20th December 2022


Dear Gardener,

As most of you know, we have now had three spates of burglaries on our allotments this year, with thefts and damage that are upsetting and distressing for us all. After a detailed inspection of the site perimeter, there are no obvious signs of entry, nor vulnerable points of access. The most obvious conclusion is the intruders are gaining access through one of the four gates off Orchard Lane. On several occasions now, members of the committee, fellow gardeners and even the householder of the bungalow opposite C lane have noticed and reported gates being left open, when no one is on any of the plots, or in some cases were open late evening when someone noticed when driving past. The most recent and embarrassing instance was a report from our local PCSO, who was patrolling earlier this week and noticed C lane gate open, with no cars in the car park and after walking across the whole site, he could see no one on any of the plots in lanes B, C, or D!!!

We cannot allow this to continue and with immediate effect, we are introducing this rule. Anyone using any access gate, by car or on foot, whether or not it is open, must lock it behind them when they enter and leave the site. 


It is disappointing to have to introduce these measures, but we cannot allow these intruders the opportunity to access our site to continue their acts of theft and vandalism. It’s also disappointing that we have certain people in our community who do not operate on a last out, lock up principle.

Thank you in anticipation of your support on this important security measure.

Kind Regards, Security officer / Committee

The 2022 AGM date is now confirmed as Sunday 3rd April 2022. 

The meeting will start at 10am promptly and will finish at 12noon and as always, will take place at the Limes Community Centre, Beighton. (For your satnav, the postal address is 47 Rosemary Rd, Beighton, Sheffield, S20 1AQ however the main entrance is on Lime Street) 

As in previous years, any member proposals need to be submitted as early as possible as only items on the agenda will be discussed due to time constraints. Sunday 20th February 2022 is the final cut off date for member proposals to ensure they can be included in postal packs to members not on Email. Any member proposal submitted by 20th February, needs to be presented at the AGM by the member putting it forward.

Voting will be done by holding up your blue rent book only. No additional voting cards will be available at the meeting. Replacement rent books are available in advance at £3.00 each from the shop to full Association members who have lost theirs (you will need one to pay your rent if you have lost yours anyway so you may as well get one before the AGM!). New rent books will NOT be available at the AGM. No rents will be taken at the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

20th December 2021  A Lane Gates

The new A Lane gates have now been fitted and they are a big improvement on the previous gate. In consultation with several members of A Lane, it has been decided to go with a short chain way of locking the gates that means the lock will go through the hole  (similar to the photo below except the lock needs to be raised to be in line with the sliding gate lock). Please ensure that the gate is locked and unlocked behind you when you both enter and leave the site.

28th October 2021   Locking Gates

It was noted at today's committee meeting that some of the gates, especially C Lane gate, is not being locked in an evening. Please help keep our site secure by locking A, B and D gate behind you when you come and go on every occasion and as it is often the last gate to be used, the last person to leave by both car and / or foot on C gate MUST lock the gate behind them. Wrapping the chain and lock around the gates without locking the padlock is not acceptable,. Every member must have the main gate key with them while on site and the gates must be locked in the evening as you leave, especially as the nights draw in an the risk of break-ins increases.

28th October 2021   Lane Access

All plot holders are reminded that it is against Association rules to have anything outside your plot in the lanes and that all plants should be trimmed back to your plot boundary. We have had complaints that some sections of the lanes are very hard to pass with wide vehicles when taking items to and from their plots. Please be considerate and ensure your section of lane is clear.