Community Allotment (B6)

This community allotment has now been provided with funding and our initial partners have been contacted.

This page will keep a record of the allotments progress.

In the meantime, it already has an Instagram page which is.....

Hi! My name is Sarah. 

It’s a great pleasure to have planted the very first seed to create a community allotment garden on Orchard Lane Allotments in Beighton, Sheffield (S20 1EX). 

There’s a long way to go, but with the help of fabulous volunteers and support from the National Garden Scheme and Beighton Village Development Trust, plus local businesses who will be praised shortly, we can help this amazing project to grow. We are welcoming volunteers and sponsors to help develop the community garden, so if you would like to get involved please do get in touch. 

Thank you for your support. 

Do you have any gardening rakes, forks, spades, wheelbarrows or equipment that you could donate to our Community Allotment?

PLEASE DROP THESE IN TO OUR ALLOTMENT SHOP OVER THE WEEKEND between 10am and 12pm (or message us for alternative). 

Week commencing Monday 10th June we are pleased to welcome volunteers from The Prince’s Trust to begin work on the Community Allotment, but we need your help to supply us with tools and equipment if possible. All donations gratefully received. 

Thank you for your support. 

Below is a photo galery of the progress we have made so far......

B6 Before Work Started

When B6 was given up due to ill health of the previous tennent, it was decided that B6 should be a community plot for everyone on site and the wide community to enjoy. Sarah Vause (committee member) was given the remit to find funding and develop this plot into a low maintainance community area.  

Initial Clearance

The greenhouse was disassembled and taken away

Initial Clearance

The weeds and pathways were removed

Initial Clearance

Final clearance was started

We would like to thank the following businesses and organisations for their support in the development of the Beighton Allotments Community Garden....